Fourth Grade » ROAR Expectations

ROAR Expectations

Our 4th Graders will ROAR at Friendship...
We show RESPECT when we are kind and listen to others.
We show OWNERSHIP of our classroom when we care for our things.
We show APPROPRIATE behavior when we have self-control and follow directions.
We show RESPONSIBILITY when we bring all materials each day and complete all of our homework and classwork.
All students will be rewarded Dojo points for following ROAR expectations.  These Dojo points can be used to buy items at the class store at the end of each month.  Students displaying Personal Best Behaviors will be recognized randomly.  Students can also have points taken away for not showing ROAR expectations and will have consequences.
*  1 Point Deduction - Teacher Warning
*  2 Point Deduction - Silent Lunch
*  3 Point Deduction - Alternate PE Activity
*  4 Point Deduction - Notify Parent