Kindergarten » Procedures and Expectations

Procedures and Expectations

At Friendship Elementary School all students are taught and expected to use ROAR behavior.  
ROAR behavior includes:
R-Respect-treat everyone as you would like to be treated
O-Ownership-help keep our classroom and school neat, clean, and orderly
A-Appropriate-act appropriately for each situation (walk quietly in halls, work quietly in class, play safely on playgrounds, etc.)
R-Responsibility-take responsibility for your actions and learning
In Kindergarten, teachers use color-coded behavior charts and Class Dojo.  On the color chart children begin on one color and then change their colors throughout the day as they are showing ROAR behavior or not.  On Class Dojo students receive and lose points based on their ROAR behavior.
Classes also receive ROAR tickets from other adults throughout the building for using ROAR behavior in the halls, cafeteria, and other areas of the school.