Fifth Grade » Classroom Expectation and Procedures

Classroom Expectation and Procedures

At Friendship Elementary, we use corrective, supportive, and preventive strategies to maintain a positive and orderly atmosphere. It is our belief that proper behavior is rooted in having respect for oneself, others, and school property.

Friendship implements a NorthCarolina Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) system.As a North Carolina
“Model” school, we establish rules, recognitions, and consequences that support positive student behavior choices. Clearly stated expectations help teach children accept ownership for their action choices.
Below are Friendship’s ROAR expectations:
R = Respect
O =Ownership
A = Appropriate
R = Responsible

 At the beginning of each year and throughout the school year, ROAR expectations are reviewed, modeled, and reinforced. Teachers will communicate with parents if there are concerns related to behavior. As a school, we have posters displayed in our halls that show and describe our
school-wide behavior expectations. We also show student videos that model how we expect students to travel about our halls, dismiss from school, respond in an assembly, care for our building, clean up after lunch, and how to maintain a safe school environment. Our “Stop, Walk, and Talk” proactive procedure for how to address social conflict is taught and reviewed frequently.
For safety, Davidson County Schools has established the below mentioned rules for riding the school bus.
Students are expected to follow these rules at all times. School bus transportation is a privilege; any infraction of the rules may result in discontinuation of riding privileges.
For safety purposes kindergarten through third grade students must have an adult visible to the bus driver at the bus stop. Bus stops without adult supervision will result in students being returned to school. Bus discipline will be administered according to the severity of the offense and number of bus referrals. If a student is suspended from riding the bus, parents must provide transportation to and from school at the designated times. Absences due to bus
suspension are not “excusable”.

Students who fail to follow bus rules will lose their privilege to ride the bus. Bus suspension days will be assigned at an administrator’s discretion.

 Be ready and waiting where the driver can see you.
 Be at the bus stop 10 minutes before the scheduled bus pick-up time.
Always walk in front of the bus...never behind it.
Sit quietly in the seat you are assigned. Do not switch seats.
Keep your body inside the bus. Do not throw anything out of the window.
Hitting, picking, pushing, fighting and ugly language are unacceptable.
No food, gum, drinks,toys, balls, balloons, medicine,
or glass containers are allowed.
Do not stand while the bus is moving.
Keep silent at railroad crossings.
Always obey the bus driver.

Consequences for poor bus behavior will be handled by the administration. Consequences could include bus suspension for a number of days. Please encourage your child to be safe and follow all bus rules.