YMCA in Thomasville (Finch) (336) 475-8380
YMCA in High Point-Hartley Dr (336) 869-0151
Vernon Forest Training Center (336) 769-2076
Laurel Oaks (336) 885-5622
Apple Tree Academy (Phillips Ave) (336) 841-8139
Cloverdale (336) 886-4753
Wallburg Academy (336) 906-9954
DISMISSAL FOR CAR RIDERS: During car rider dismissal, students are quiet as they listen for their name to be called. School staff will direct cars into one line from the double line as they also call students to stand and wait at a numbered cone. At the beginning of each school year car riding students will be given two car rider signs. Parents are requested to display the car rider sign in a visible area for school staff to view. If you lose your sign or need additional signs let us know and staff will make additional signs for your family. For safety purposes, when a Friendship car rider sign is not displayed the parent may be requested to park and enter the school office to pick up the student.
TRANSPORTATION CHANGES: If your child is going home by a different means of transportation (riding a car instead of a bus), a note must be sent to the classroom teacher. Otherwise, regular dismissal procedures will be followed. Students must ride the bus that they are assigned to ride. Students are not permitted to ride a different bus to visit friends.